- Device GO-27 is an Indigenous Equipment of Russian origin system.
- In-service with Indian Army Tanks T-90 and MBT-Arjun.
- Consists of three modules - B1 Nuclear Detection, Control & Indicator Module, B2 Chemical Detection
Module & B3 Power Supply Module.
The unit gives an audio-visual signal and automatically
activates NBC pressurization system upon detection of
the following events :
- Burst of gamma radiation that generates theexposure dose exceeding predefined threshold (event “ A”).
- Reaction time no greater than 0.1sec
- Persistent gamma radiation from radioactive contamination, generating exposure dose of 0.85R/h and more (event “R”).
Reaction time no greater than 10 sec.
- Detection of chemical substances in air, quantities exceeding predefined threshold (event “O”).
- Reaction time no greater than 40sec.